Add an offer to the bill list

The Venduo POS module offers several ways to add an offer to the bill list and to select an offer. You can prepare further actions for editing the bill list, to ensure the protection of minors, to create returns, and to add product options.

Select an offer

You may select an offer by the following:

Select an offer by QuickSelect

The QuickSelect option offers you the possibility to select an offer by clicking a predefined button. This option is often used for popular offers or permanent favorites.



Venduo POS > Sales > Select store and pay desk > Tab CASHPOINT Cashpoint

  1. Select the desired category by clicking the corresponding tab below the search bar.
    All offers assigned to the selected category are displayed.

  2. Select the desired offer by clicking the corresponding button.
    The offer is added to the bill list if no further features such as an age verification or a product option are interposed.

Select an offer by name

You may select an offer or search for it by entering its name in the search bar. To find an offer, you must enter at least three characters in the search bar. All offers that correspond to your entry are automatically displayed.


Offers for POS are created, see Manage offers for POS.


Venduo POS > Sales > Select store and pay desk > Tab CASHPOINT


  1. Click the Find offer by nam... search bar in the upper left part of the tab.
    The cursor is displayed in the search bar.

  2. Enter the name of the offer or the keyword you are searching for in the search bar. The offers that match the search are displayed in a list below the search bar.

    The search already provides you with proposals for your keyword as you type.

  3. Select the desired offer by clicking the corresponding product in the list.
    The offer is added to the bill list on the right side if no further features such as an age verification or a product option are interposed.

    The keyword remains in the search bar when you add a product to the bill list. When you click the search bar with that keyword again, the search results list for this keyword is displayed again.

Select an offer by number

You may select an offer or search for it by entering its offer number in the search bar. To find an offer, you must enter at least three numbers in the search bar. All offers that correspond to your entry are automatically displayed.


Offers for POS are created, see Manage offers for POS.


Venduo POS > Sales > Select store and pay desk > Tab CASHPOINT


  1. Click the Find offer by nam... search bar in the upper left part of the tab.
    The cursor is displayed in the search bar.

  2. Enter the number of the offer you are searching for in the search bar. The offers that match the search are displayed in a list below the search bar.

    The search already provides you with proposals for your number as you type.

  3. Select the desired offer by clicking the corresponding offer in the list.
    The offer is added to the bill list if no further features such as an age verification or a product option are interposed.

    The number remains in the search bar when you add an offer to the bill list. When you click the search bar with that number again, the search results list for this number is displayed again.

Select and charge a pre-printed voucher offer

Select a voucher offer that allows you to identify and charge a pre-printed voucher. A pre-printed voucher is a gift card or something similar that can be individually charged. It is being identified by a voucher code. You can scan the voucher code with a barcode scanner or add the card code manually.


Your company uses the KNISTR™ integration, with which vouchers can be pre-printed.


Venduo POS > Sales > Select store and pay desk > Tab CASHPOINT


  1. Click the Find offer by nam... search bar in the upper left part of the tab.
    The cursor is displayed in the search bar.

  2. Enter the name or the SKU of the voucher you are searching for in the search bar. The offers that match the search are displayed in a list below the search bar.

    The search already provides you with proposals as you type.

  3. Select the desired voucher by clicking the corresponding offer in the list.
    The Voucher details window is displayed.

    Voucher details

  4. Scan the voucher code with the barcode scanner or enter the code manually.
    If the barcode was successfully scanned, the voucher code is automatically added to the Voucher code field. The cursor is placed in the Amount field, which has a default value that you can overwrite.

  5. Enter the amount in the Amount field. Note that this amount will be added to any amount already on the voucher.

  6. Click the [SAVE] button.
    The voucher with its newly created amount is added to the bill list.

Select an offer with single scan

The single scan feature allows you to treat each offer in the bill list individually, for instance, to apply an individual discount.
In general, if you select the same offer more than once, it is displayed in the bill list as one single item with the corresponding quantity. This means that if one offer is added more than once to the bill list, an entry with the quantity 1 is not displayed in the bill list.
Optionally, you can activate the single scan feature before you select the offers. By using it, each offer is listed as a single line item in the bill list, even if it is the same offer.



Venduo POS > Sales > Select store and pay desk > Tab CASHPOINT


  1. Enable the ToggleSingle scan toggle in the bill list on the right side of the pay desk interface.

    The single scan works from the moment it is enabled. It does not apply backwards to offers that were already on the bill list at the time of activation.

    Even if the single scan function is active, you can edit the quantity of offers manually in the bill list, see Edit the quantity of a product.

  2. Select an offer, see Select an offer.
    The product is listed in the bill list.

  3. Select the same offer again.
    The same product is listed in an own entry in the bill list.

    Product single scan

Add a return to the bill list

Record a return, so that a negative quantity is posted in the bill list, and you can hand over the money to the customer. You can add multiple different offers as well as the required quantity of a single offer.

Note that when you edit a return, all posts on the bill list must be returns. You cannot combine purchases and returns in one bill list.



Venduo POS > Sales > Select store and pay desk > Tab CASHPOINT


  1. Enable the Negative quantity toggle.
    The Negative quantity toggle is displayed in red.

    Negative quantity

  2. Select the offer(s), see Select an offer.
    The offers are added to the bill list with a negative amount on the right side.

    Negative amount

  3. Complete the purchase, see Complete a purchase.

  4. Hand over the money to the customer.

Verify the age

Some offers are not suitable for children and young people, for example offers such as alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, or energy drinks. When you select an offer, Actindo checks whether an age verification is necessary before the offer is added to the bill list.


  • Offers for POS are created, see Manage offers for POS.
  • An age restriction for the offer is defined, for example 18 or 16.
  • The Display age rating setting is activated. For detailed information, see Display age rating.


Venduo POS > Sales > Select store and pay desk > Tab CASHPOINT


  1. Select an offer that requires an age verification.
    The Age verification window is displayed.

    Age verification

  2. Check the age of the customer. The Age verification window provides you with both the minimum age required and the date of birth that the customer must meet or fall below. Eventually, an explanatory text has been added.

  3. Click the [AGE OF BUYER CONFIRMED] button if the customer is allowed to buy this offer, or click the [CANCEL] button if the customer is too young to buy this offer.
    If the customer is old enough, the offer is added to the bill list. If the customer is too young, the offer is not added to the bill list.

Add a product option

There are products where the buyer has the option of customizing them. If a store has the appropriate technical capabilities, this could be shirts with optional flocking, for example, or photos that a customer can have printed on mugs or other items. In these cases, a specific service is associated to an offer. This service is called a product option. It is optional for customers and can be purchased additionally.


  • Offers for POS are created, see Manage offers for POS.
  • Product options have been associated to the offers for which a specific service is offered as additional option..


Venduo POS > Sales > Select store and pay desk > Tab CASHPOINT


  1. Select an offer.
    If a product option is associated to the offer and your store offers this service, the Choose options window is displayed.

    Choose options

  2. Present the various options to the customer.

    • If the customer does not want to use the service, click the [SAVE] button.
      The Choose options window is closed and the previously selected offer is added to the bill list.
    • If the customer wants to use the service, select the required service in the Choose options windows. Depending on the service option, additional information might be required, for example, if a customer wants to have his/her name printed on a shirt. In this case, a field for adding this information is displayed that you can edit.

      Choose options

      Click the [SAVE] button.
      The Choose options window is closed. The offer, the product option and the additional edited information are added to the bill list.

      Bill list
