Global settings

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS

In the GLOBAL SETTINGS tab, you define basic settings for all your stores.

Global settings are valid for all stores as long as no different settings are defined for the respective stores or pay desks.

In principle, the more specific setting always overrides the more general setting.

Global Settings

In the left part of the page, the selection list Settings is displayed. The list is divided in the following sections:

In the right part of the page, a view of the selected setting is displayed when clicking on it.

In the following, each setting and its view is explained.


In this section, you define all pay desk and payment settings.

Format of sequential number

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Format of sequential number

Format of sequential number

Configure the details of the POS specific cash receipt number. The cash receipt number is independent of the receipt number in the Order Management module and is therefore selected from a different number range to be defined here.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Activate this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Format
    Define the format of the sequential number. It is mandatory to include the store identifier (S) and the sequential number (L). The placeholders are indicated on the right side.

  • Length of the sequential number
    Define the number of digits of the sequential number.

  • Reset after time interval
    Choose whether or not to reset the sequential number after the time interval.

Deliveries allowed

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Deliveries allowed

Deliveries allowed

Enables the cashiers to initiate a delivery during the payment process. For detailed information, see Initiate a delivery.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes

  • Deliveries allowed
    Activate this setting if you deliver sales to customers. If you activate this setting, the Toggle Delivery toggle is available in the pay bill list. By default, this setting is not activated.
    Do not forget to adjust your order workflow accordingly, so that a delivery note is created in case a delivery is initiated.

Down payments allowed

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Down payments allowed

Down payments allowed

Allows your cashiers to accept down payments. For detailed information, see Initiate a down payment.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes

  • Down payments allowed
    Activate this setting if it is allowed to down pay sales. By default, this setting is not activated. If you activate this setting, the Down payment section with the [+ ADD DOWN PAYMENT] button is displayed in the pay bill list.

Always print the receipt

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Always print the receipt

Activate or disable the option to print the cash receipt.

Bon immer ausdrucken

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Activate this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Always print the receipt
    Choose whether or not to print the cash receipt for each transaction. If the receipt printing is deactivated, you can still initiate the receipt printing manually via the order history.

    Remember that receipt printing is mandatory in several countries. Please inform yourself about the country-specific regulations before you disable this option.

Number of vouchers per order

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Number of vouchers per order

Define how many vouchers may be redeemed per order.

Number of vouchers per order

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Activate this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Number of vouchers per order
    Enter the number of vouchers that can be redeemed per order. By default, one voucher per order is set.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Activate this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

Payment methods (manual payment terminal)

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Payment methods (manual payment terminal)

If you use an external terminal that is not connected to POS, cashless payment is completed manually through that terminal. In POS, you can specify for statistical purposes which payment method was used for the cashless payment. You define the different payment methods in this setting.

Payment methods

By default, the payments methods debit card, credit card and PayPal are preset.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Key
    Enter the key of the payment method. The following keys are available:
  • Name
    Enter the name of the payment method.

  • Delete (Delete)
    Click this button to delete the payment method left to the button.

  • Add (Add)
    Click this button to add a new payment method. A new line for a payment method is displayed.

Open drawer at cash payment

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Open drawer at cash payment

Open drawer at cash payment

Activate or deactivate the option to open the cash drawer for cash payment.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Activate this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Open drawer at cash payment
    Choose whether or not to open the cash drawer for cash payment. By default, this option is active.

Open drawer at cashless payment

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Open drawer at cashless payment

Open drawer at cashless payment

Enable or disable the option to open the cash drawer for cashless payment.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Activate this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Open drawer
    Choose whether or not to open the cash drawer for cashless payment. By default, this option is enabled.


Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry VAT ID


Enter the VAT ID of your company, which is mandatory to be indicated on receipts in some countries.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • VAT ID
    Enter your VAT ID. By default, The VAT ID is printed on your receipts.

Cashless payment

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Cashless payment

Cashless payment

Activate or deactivate the options for cashless payment.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Voucher Refund on voucher (refund only)
    Choose whether or not to refund cashless payments only on vouchers. By default, this option is inactive.

  • Terminal Manual payment at terminal
    Choose whether or not to allow cashless payments via manual payment at the terminal. If you use an external terminal that is not connected to POS, you need to enable that option. By default, this option is inactive.

Bind cash journal to user

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Bind cash journal to user

Bind cash journal to user

When a pay desk is opened, it is linked to a specific user. This user is the only one who can use the pay desk until he closes it again. To allow that several users can access the same pay desk without closing it, you can deactivate the option to link the cash register to a specific user.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Activate this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Bind cash journal to user
    Choose whether or not to link the cash register to a special user. By default, this option is active.

    Remember that even if you deactivate this option, a user must log out to allow another user to access the pay desk.

Skim to amount

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Skim to amount

Skim to amount

Define an amount up to which the pay desk is skimmed after the pay desk closes. The amount is automatically entered in the cash register and taken as the opening float.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Skim to amont
    Enter the amount up to which the pay desk is skimmed after the pay desk closing.

Hide expected amount

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Hide expected amount

Hide expected amount

By default, the expected amount in the pay desk is indicated. Deactivate this option to hide the expected amount from the cashier in order to prevent the concealment of shortfalls.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Hide expected amount
    Choose whether or not to hide the expected amount in the pay desk from the cashier. By default, this option is inactive.

Display age rating

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Display age rating

Display age rating

Prevent the cashiers from selling offers to children or young people that are not suitable for them.

By default, offers with an age verification can only be added to the basket if the cashier confirms explicitly that s/he has checked the age of the customer. For detailed information, see Verify the age.

The following prerequisites must be met to use this feature:

  • You have assigned the Age rating attribute to the offer-related attribute set in the Omni-Channel module. See the POS basic set for reference.
  • You have specified the age rating for an offer, such as 16 or 18, if necessary. Actindo uses the number (of years) to calculate the birthdate that must not be undercut and that is displayed in the Age verification window.
  • If you want to display an explanatory text in addition, add an Age rating description attribute with which you can create the text. See the POS basic set for reference. Actindo uses the text to display it in the Age verification window.

The following fields and features are available in the window:

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes

  • Mode
    Click this drop-down list to select if and when to display the Age verification window when selecting an offer with age verification. The following settings are available:

    • Always
      The cashier will always be asked when an offer is added to the basket that requires an age verification.

    • Never
      The cashier will never be asked when an offer is added to the basket that requires an age verification.

    • Once
      The cashier is asked once per order in case an offer is added to the basket that requires an age verification. If an offer with a lower age rating is added later, the cashier will be asked again.
      This setting is the default.

Remind of offers

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Remind of offers

Remind of offers

Allow your cashiers to suggest additional offers to the customer during the payment process. For detailed information, see Suggest an offer to the customer.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled and the Remind of offers feature is not activated.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • SKU
    Enter at least one SKU to activate this feature. The SKU defines the offer(s) that the cashiers should suggest to the customers.

  • Delete (Delete)
    Click this button to delete the SKU entry.

  • Add (Add)
    Click this button to add an SKU. A new line for an SKU is displayed.

Regex for customer code

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Regex for customer-code

Regex for customer-code

Define a regular expression for the customer code, with which the system is able to clearly distinguish a customer number from an offer number. This is necessary, if you use a barcode scanner to scan both customer and offer data.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Regex for customer-code
    Enter a regular expression that the system can use to uniquely identify a customer-code. For detailed information about regular expressions, see on the regular expressions 101 website.

Allow negative quantities

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Allow negative quantities

Allow negative quantities

Allow your cashiers to accept a return and to refund the amount due. Enable this setting, if you want to use this feature. For detailed information, see Create a return.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to use this feature. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled and the Allow negative quantities feature is not activated.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Allow negative quantities
    Select the checkbox to use the Allow negative quantities feature.
    The Negative quantity toggle is available now in the bill list.

Field for customer lock

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Field for customer lock

Field for customer lock


In this section, you define all settings concerning the currencies in your POS system.

Available currencies

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Available Currencies

Define the currencies that are available in your POS system as well as the coins and bills that exist in each currency. By default, the four currencies Euro, Swiss Franc, US Dollar, and British Pound are predefined.

Available currencies

Available Currencies

The table displays all available currencies. All fields are read-only. Depending on the settings, the displayed columns may vary.

The following functions are available for the editing toolbar:

  • Select the checkbox to display the editing toolbar and to edit or delete the selected currency.

  • [EDIT]
    Click this button to edit the selected currency. The Edit currency view is displayed. This button is displayed only if a Currency checkbox is selected.

  • [DELETE]
    Click this button to delete the selected currency. This button is displayed only if a currency checkbox is selected.

The following fields and functions are available in this window:

  • Name
    Name or abbreviation of the currency.

  • Abbreviation
    Symbol of the currency.

  • Coins
    Available coins (values) of the currency.

  • Banknotes
    Available banknotes (values) of the currency.

  • Add (Add)
    Click this button to add a new currency to the list of currencies. The Create currency view is displayed where you must define the currency settings.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

Create currency

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Available Currencies > Button Add

Create currency

Add a new currency to the list of available currencies and define the coins and banknotes of the new currency.


  • Name
    Enter the name of the new currency.

  • Symbol
    Enter the symbol of the new currency.


  • Banknote (Banknote)
    The banknote icons indicate the banknote values that are defined for a currency. The number in the icon indicates the amount of the banknote. The icon is displayed after you have created an entry.
    When you hover over a banknote icon, the Delete Currency (Delete) button is displayed in the upper right corner of the banknote. Click the button to delete the banknote.

  • Coin (Coin)
    The coin icons indicate the coin values that are defined for the currency. The number in the middle indicates the amount of the coin. The icon is displayed after you have created an entry.
    When you hover over a coin icon, the Delete Currency (Delete) button is displayed in the upper right corner of the coin. Click the button to delete the coin.

  • Amount
    Enter the amount of the banknote or the coin.

  • Note
    Click the drop-down list to select if the entered amount refers to a banknote or a coin.

  • Add (Add)
    Click this button to add a banknote or coin to the currency.

  • [CANCEL]
    Click this button to cancel the creation of a new currency. The Available Currencies view is displayed again.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save the new currency and add it to the list of currencies. The Available Currencies view is displayed again.

Edit currency

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Available Currencies > Button Edit

Edit currency

Edit the settings of an existing currency.


  • Name
    Enter the name of the currency.

  • Symbol
    Enter the symbol of the currency.


  • Banknote (Banknote)
    The banknote icon indicates which banknotes are defined for the respective currency. The number in the middle indicates the amount of the banknote.
    When you hover over a banknote icon, the Delete Currency (Delete) button is displayed in the upper right corner of the banknote. Click the button to delete the banknote. The banknote icon is displayed only if a banknote is defined for the currency.

  • Coin (Coin)
    The coin icon indicates which coins are defined for the respective currency. The number in the middle indicates the amount of the coin.
    When you hover over a coin icon, the Delete Currency (Delete) button is displayed in the upper right corner of the coin. Click the button to delete the coin. The coin icon is displayed only if a coin is defined for the currency.

  • Amount
    Enter the amount of the banknote or the coin.

  • Note
    Click the drop-down list to select if the entered amount refers to a banknote or a coin.

  • Add (Add)
    Click this button to add the specified banknote or coin to the currency.

  • [CANCEL]
    Click this button to discard the changes to the currency. The Available Currencies view is displayed again.

  • [SAVE]
    Click this button to save all changes. The Available Currencies view is displayed again.

Used currencies

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Used currencies

Used currencies

Select all currencies that are used in your POS system and define a default currency.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Currency Name
    Choose whether or not to use this currency in your POS system.

  • Default
    Click the drop-down list to select the currency that is used as default currency. All available currencies are displayed in the drop-down list. When you select a default currency that is not yet selected as used currency, that currency is automatically selected as used currency.


Automatic discount

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Automatic discount

Automatic discount

Define a discount that is automatically applied above a certain amount.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Activate this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • As of amount
    Enter the amount from which the discount is granted.

  • Discount in %
    Enter the amount of the discount in percent.

    If you leave the fields blank, no automatic discount will be granted.

  • Delete (Delete)
    Click this button to delete the discount left to the button.

  • Add (Add)
    Click this button to add a new discount. A new line for a discount is displayed.

Customer-specific discount

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Customer-specific discount

Customer-specific discount

Define discounts that are valid for specific customers. You can use it as a global or a store-related setting.
A customer-specific discount is automatically added to the pay bill list when a customer, for whom a discount is defined in the customer's master data, purchases an offer. The cashier can remove the discount manually from the pay bill list, if desired. For detailed information, see Check the customer-specific discount.

The following prerequisites must be met to use this feature:

  • You have added an attribute for the customer-specific discount to the attribute sets with which you define customer and supplier basic data. See the RetailSuite customer or the RetailSuite supplier attribute set for reference. Currently, the customer-specific discount can only be retrieved via the _customer_auto_discount attribute of the Actindo.Modules.Actindo.POS.Customers API.
  • This attribute must be of the Floating point number or Integer data type. For detailed information, see Floating point number or Integer in the DataHub documentation.

The following fields and features are available for this window:

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Discount attribute
    Click the drop-down list to select the attribute, in which the discount is stored.

Active price groups

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Active price group

Active price groups

Define the price groups you want to use for your stores. The Active price group setting allows you to activate the price groups you currently want to use for your customers and offers. You can use it as a global or a store-related setting. The price group is assigned to the customer master data. For detailed information, see Create a price group for POS.

The following fields and features are available for this window:

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are disabled. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • Toggle "Name of the price group"
    Enable the toggle at the price groups you want to use.
    The price groups are active after saving.

Field for price group

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Field for price group

Field for price group

Define the field to be used to store the price group. The Field for price group setting specifies the attribute in the customer master data from which the system should read the customer's price group, see Active price groups. For detailed information, see Create a price group for POS.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are disabled. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • Price group attribute Click the Price group attribute drop-down list and select the attribute, in which the customer's price group is stored.


In this section, you define all settings concerning returns.

Return reasons

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Return reasons

Return reasons

Define the return reasons that are available in the POS system.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Key
    Enter the return reason key. The following keys are available:

  • Value
    Enter a value for the return reason. The value is displayed when returning an order.

  • Delete (Delete)
    Click this button to delete the return reason left to the button.

  • Add (Add)
    Click this button to add a return reason. A new line for a return reason is displayed.

Refund only on the same payment method

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Refund only on the same payment method

Refund payment method

Activate or deactivate the refund to the same payment method for returns.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Only on the same payment method
    Choose whether or not a refund for a return can only be made to the same payment method. By default, this option is enabled.

Return only in the same store

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Return only in the same store

Return store

Activate or deactivate the return to the same store.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Return only in the same store
    Choose whether or not a return can only be made in the same store. By default, this option is inactive.


In this section, you define all settings concerning the receipt printing.

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Print merchant receipt

Print merchant receipt

Activate or deactivate the printing of a merchant receipt for cashless payment.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Print merchant receipt
    Choose whether or not to print a merchant receipt in addition to the customer receipt for cashless payments. By default, this option is enabled.

Logo print compatibility mode

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Logo print compatibility mode

Logo print

Activate or deactivate the compatibility mode for logo printing. As some receipt printer have issues with printing logos, it may help to activate this option.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Logo print compatibility mode
    Choose whether you want to use the compatibility mode for logo printing or not. By default, this option is inactive.

Receipt format

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Receipt format

Receipt format

Define the width of the receipt, as it may vary depending on the printer.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Width in characters
    Define the width of the receipt in characters. This size is needed to calculate the width for the text.

    Monospaced fonts are used for receipt printing. This means that each character has the same width.

  • Width in pixel
    Define the width of the receipt in pixels. This size is needed to calculate the width for images, for instance logos.

Number format

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Number format

Number format

Define the number format on the receipt.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Decimal separator
    Enter the decimal separator for the numbers on your receipt. You can use any separator including a blank space. This field is mandatory.

  • Thousand separator
    Enter the thousand separator for the numbers on your receipt. You can use any separator including a blank space.

  • Precision
    Enter the number of decimal places for the numbers on your receipt or use the arrow buttons in the field to increase or decrease the number of decimal places. You can select a number between 0 and 4. This field is mandatory.

    The sample view below the input fields displays a live preview of the number with the selected separators and decimal places.

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Logo


Upload a logo for your receipts.

The PNG format is the only image format supported for logo images. So make sure that your image logo is also saved in the PNG format before uploading it.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

    Click this button to select a logo image for your receipts. The explorer is displayed for image selection. The selected logo image is displayed in the preview box right from the button. Alternatively, you can select an image using drag & drop.

  • Upload Drop file here...
    Drag the logo image from your local folder and drop it in this dashed box to upload it. The background color of the box turns to blue when you can drop the image. The selected logo image is displayed in the preview box right from the button. Alternatively, you can select an image by using the [SELECT FILE] button.

  • Preview box
    The preview box displays the uploaded logo image. If a logo image is already displayed and you upload a new one, the current logo image will be overwritten by the new logo image. Remove a displayed logo by clicking the Remove (Remove) button in the upper right corner of the logo.


In this section, you define all settings concerning the connection to the Order Management module. The settings are only displayed if the accounting is correctly configured.

Account assignment accounting

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Account assignment accounting

Account assignment accounting

Assign the accounts to which you want to post the payments. The accounts are assigned for all stores, unless they are overwritten in the store or pay desk admin settings. For more information, see Admin Settings - Store or Admin Settings - Pay Desk.

The number of accounts to be assigned depends on the number of available currencies.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Type
    In this column, the account type is indicated. Six accounts are displayed per currency. The currency of the account is indicated in brackets after the account type name. The fields are display fields only. They cannot be changed.

    • Cash
      This type of account serves as a cash account for cash payments.

    • Redeem Voucher
      This type of account serves as --- add information ---

    • Contra account Cash-In
      This type of account serves as a clearing account against which cash deposits without customers are posted.

    • Contra account Cash-Out
      This type of account serves as a clearing account against which cash withdrawals without customers are posted.

    • Refund on voucher (refund only)
      This type of account serves as a refund account for refunds of cashless payments.

    • Manual payment at terminal
      This type of account serves as a cash account for cashless payments.
  • Account
    Enter the account number for the corresponding account types. You can assign another account number for each account type.

Reverse posting on source warehouse

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Reverse posting on source warehouse

Reverse posting

Activate or deactivate the reverse posting to the original warehouse. Any discrepancies in store deliveries are automatically posted back to the original warehouse.

  • Apply from default Toggle
    Enable this toggle to apply the default settings or disable this toggle to specify custom settings. When the toggle is enabled, all fields in the view are locked. By default, this toggle is enabled.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Reverse posting on source warehouse
    Choose whether or not to post discrepancies between the delivery receipt and the delivery are automatically posted back to the original warehouse. By default, this option is active.

Return warehouse (Storage area for blocked stock)

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Return warehouse (Storage area for blocked stock)

Return warehouse

Define a shelf in the storage area for blocked stock for returns with defects.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Warehouse ID
    Enter the number of the storage area for blocked stock.

  • Shelf name
    Enter the name of the shelf for the defect returns.

Default customer

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Default customer

Default customer

Define an invoice address for a default customer to connect the POS system with the Order Management module. The invoice address of this default customer is used for all occasional customers.

It is recommended to define at least the country of the customer address as it is needed for tax purposes.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Title
    Enter the customer's title.

  • First Name
    Enter the customer's first name.

  • Last Name
    Enter the customer's last name.

  • Company
    Enter the customer's company name.

  • Email Name
    Enter the customer's e-mail address.

  • Street
    Enter the street name of the customer's address.

  • HouseNumber
    Enter the house number of the customer's address.

  • ZIP
    Enter the ZIP code of the customer's address.

  • City
    Enter the city name of the customer's address.

  • Country
    Enter the country name of the customer's address.


The KNISTR integration allows you to identify and charge a pre-printed voucher, see Create an offer for pre‐printed vouchers.

In this section, you define all settings concerning the KNISTR integration. For detailed information, see the KNISTR website.

KNISTR credentials

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry KNISTR credentials

KNISTR credentials

Define the KNISTR credentials.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • App name
    Name of the KNISTR-PoS-Integration API used for the connection of the current instance to Knistr™.

  • HMAC key
    HMAC key used for authentication.

Voucher SKU

Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Voucher SKU

Voucher SKU

Enter the SKU of the voucher that you want to use for pre-pinted vouchers.

  • [Save]
    Click this button to save any changes.

  • Voucher SKU
    Enter the name of the voucher that you have created for pre-printed vouchers. For detailed information, see Create an offer for pre-printed vouchers.