Open a pay desk

The pay desk is the most important tool in the Venduo POS module. For instance, in the pay desk you can select offers, make payments, give discounts, choose between different payment methods and have the possibility to park purchases for a later date. To perform any operation on the pay desk, you must first open one.



Venduo POS > Sales > Tab CASHPOINT

POS Sales Select

  1. Select a store in the Select store drop-down list.

  2. Select a pay desk in the Select pay desk drop-down list.

  3. Click the [Use] button in the bottom right corner.
    A window to edit the opening float is displayed. The opening float is the amount of cash available in the pay desk.

    Opening Float

  4. Enter the opening float in the Opening float field.

    If the opening float differs from the closing float of the pay desk, an opening difference is recorded in the payment tally of the cash register, which is synced to the Accounting module. The opening difference is also indicated in the shift summary.

  5. Click the [Open] button in the bottom right corner.
    The selected pay desk is opened. The selected tab is displayed.