Remove an inactive cashier from the pay desk

Error description

A cashier forgot to unassign from a pay desk. The pay desk is locked and cannot be operated by other cashiers.

Follow the instructions below to remove the inactive cashier from the pay desk and unlock the pay desk for the other cashiers.

Remove a cashier from the pay desk only when you are sure that the cashier is no longer using the pay desk. All uncompleted transactions are lost when the cashier is removed. The process cannot be undone.


You have at least store manager rights in the respective store.


Venduo POS > Management > Tab STORES > Select Store

Pay Desk Used

  1. Hover over the pay desk in use and click the Edit (Edit) button.
    The Pay desk view of the selected pay desk is displayed.

    Remove Cashier

    The name of the cashier who is currently using the pay desk is displayed in the upper part of the view, directly under the name of the pay desk.

  2. Click the Remove (Remove) button next to the cashier's name. The cashier is removed from the pay desk. The pay desk is unassigned.

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