Assign users to the POS groups

Users must belong to a specific POS group in order to be registered as a cashier or store manager in the POS. The following POS groups are available:

  • POS Admin:
    The POS Admin has all rights in the POS and can configure the settings in all stores as well as assign store managers and cashiers.
  • POS Store Manager:
    The POS Store Manager can configure the store settings in the assigned store. He/She can assign cashiers, log out cashiers, create pay desks, view the shift summary, etc. S/he has no rights to change the admin settings in the store.
  • POS Cashier:
    The POS cashier can log in and cash out on the assigned pay desk. S/he has no rights to change settings.

The users that belong to a POS group must be assigned to a pay desk or store in order to have the above rights.


  • The users have been created.
  • You have the system admin rights to create groups as well as to assign users to a group.


For detailed information, see Create user group and Add user to user group in the Core1 Platform documentation.
