Create a POS store manually

Alternatively to using the store wizard, you can create a store manually. Be aware that to use the store and its full functionality, it is necessary to configure the following settings manually:

In addition, you can use these procedures to edit the store settings if you need to make changes to the settings you created when you used the wizard for store creation.

Create a store manually

Create a store manually, if you do not want to use the wizard.



Venduo POS > Management > Tab STORES

Create Store

  1. Click the Add (Add) button in the bottom right corner.
    The [Create store via wizard (recommended) Store Wizard ] button and the [Create Store Store Manual ] button are displayed.

  2. Click the [Create Store Store Manual] button to add a new store manually.
    The Create Store window is displayed.

    Create Store

  3. Enter a store name in the Name field.

  4. Click the [CREATE] button.
    The Creating Store... message is displayed. It may take several minutes until the creation is completed. The new store is displayed in the STORES tab. The Basic data tab is displayed by default.

    Store Details

    The following entities have been automatically created:

    • DataHub module:
      The following attribute sets have been created:
      • Orders channel POS Store "Name of new store"
      • Line items channel POS Store "Name of new store"
      • Payment items channel POS Store "Name of new store"
      • Discount items channel POS Store "Name of new store"
      • Returns connection POS Store "Name of the new store"
      • Return line items channel POS Store "Name of the new store"
      • Redeem voucher item channel POS Store "Name of the new store"
      • Service items channel POS Store "Name of the new store"
      • Set for POS store "Name of new store"
      • Offer option set for POS store "Name of the new store"
    • PIM module
      Your customer-specific PIM attribute sets have been created for the new store with a destination attribute set Set for POS store "Name of the new store"
    • Omni-Channel module
      The following attribute sets have been created:
      • A connection POS store "Name of new store"
      • A variant set Set for POS for "Name of the new store"
      • A variant set Offer option set for POS store "Name of the new store"

Configure the store details

In the store details, you give some detailed information about your store. Further, you assign a store manager.



Venduo POS > Management > Tab STORES > Select Store > Tab Basic Data

Store Details

  1. Enter a short description of the store in the Short description field.

  2. Click the TSS connection drop-down list and select the required TSS connection. For detailed information on TSS connections, see Create connection to TSS Provider.

  3. Click the [ADD] button in the Store manager box.
    The Store managers window is displayed.

  4. Select a store manager from the list by selecting the corresponding checkbox.

    The store managers list displays all users who are assigned to the POS store manager group. You may select multiple users as store managers.
    For detailed information, see Assign users to the POS groups.

  5. Click the [Add] button in the upper right corner of the window.

  6. Click the [SAVE] button left below the Store manager box.
    The store manager is saved. The Stores view is displayed and the STORES tab is preselected.

Create a pay desk

Create at least one pay desk to be able to process any type of transaction via Venduo POS.

A pay desk can be used in different manners. You can consider a pay desk as a physical unit and consequently create one pay desk per physically existing pay desk.
However, you can also create one pay desk per user, so that each pay desk is assigned to one specific cashier and can only be used by that cashier. In this way, you can also create several pay desks in the POS system for one physically existing pay desk.



Venduo POS > Management > Tab STORES > Select Store > Tab Basic Data

Store Details

  1. Click the [ADD] button in the Pay desks box.
    The Create pay desk window is displayed.

    Create Pay Desk

  2. Enter a pay desk name in the Name field.

  3. Click the [SAVE] button.
    The new pay desk is displayed in the Pay desks box.

    Repeat step 1 to 3 to add further pay desks. You can add as many pay desks as you need.

  4. Click the [SAVE] button left below the Store manager section.
    The pay desk is saved. The Stores view view is displayed, and the STORES tab is preselected.

Configure the pay desk details

In the pay desk details, you give some detailed information about the pay desk. Further, you assign one or several cashiers to prevent the pay desk from unauthorized access.



Venduo POS > Management > Tab STORES > Select Store > Tab Basic Data > Select pay desk for editing

Basic Data

  1. If desired, enter a short description of the pay desk in the Short Description field.

  2. Click the [ADD] button in the Cashiers box.
    The Cashiers window is displayed.

    Pay Desk Cashiers

  3. Select a cashier from the list by selecting the corresponding checkbox.

    The cashiers list displays all users who are assigned to the POS cashier group. You may select multiple users as cashiers. Only cashiers who are assigned to a certain pay desk can use the pay desk.

    For detailed information, see Assign users to the POS groups

  4. Click the [Add] button in the upper right corner of the window.
    The selected cashier is added to the box.

  5. Click the [SAVE] button left below the Cashiers box.
    The Submitting data... message is displayed. The cashier is saved when the Store view is displayed.

Define a printer

You have to define a printer for the printing of receipts.



To define a printer for a specific pay desk, see Configure the printer client for POS. You just have to select the desired pay desk from the Event drop-down list.

If you configure a new printer, bear in mind that it may take some time for the newly created pay desk to be displayed in the Event drop-down list.

Define the store address

The store address is required as the delivery address, which has to be defined for tax purposes. In addition, a delivery address and an invoice address should be printed on every receipt created in the POS system.


A store has been created, see Create a store manually or Create a store using the wizard.


Venduo POS > Management > Tab STORES > Select Store > Tab Settings

Store Basic Data

  1. Select the Store address entry in the list of settings in the left column.
    The Store address view is displayed on the right side.

    Store Basic Data

  2. Enter the store address in the fields.

    The store address corresponds to the delivery address. You must at least enter the country and the ZIP code.

    For detailed information, see Stores.

  3. Click the [Save] button in the upper right corner.
    A confirmation message is displayed. The store address is saved.

Assign the POS warehouse

To connect the warehouse management and the stock management to your POS, you have to assign a warehouse from which to take the materials. The warehouse specifies where exactly the material is taken from when a product is sold.



Venduo POS > Management > Tab STORES > Select Store > Tab Admin Settings

Store Admin Settings

  1. Select the Warehouse assignment orders entry in the list of settings in the left column.
    The Warehouse assignment orders section is displayed on the right side.

    Warehouse assignment orders

  2. Select the warehouse you want to take the material from in the Warehouse drop-down list.

  3. Activate the Automatically assign product to warehouse when activated in store toggle to automate the assignment process. It is recommended to activate this option.
    For detailed information, see Stores.

    A product must have stock allocation in a warehouse in order to be sold from that warehouse. Products only have a stock in a warehouse if a shelf is defined for them. By default, a shelf is not defined for products. Therefore, each product that is to be sold in the POS system must first get a shelf. The products get a shelf the first time the corresponding channels offer is activated.
    This automation only works if you have enabled the storage of multiple items per shelf when creating the warehouse. For detailed information, see Configure the warehouse for POS.

  4. Enter a shelf number for the products in the Shelf field. The shelf number can be any arbitrary number.

  5. Click the [Save] button in the upper right corner.
    A confirmation message is displayed. The warehouse assignment is saved.

Configure the stock withdrawal matrix

Define in the stock withdrawal matrix from which warehouses defined in the system the stock level is taken from.
For detailed information on the stock withdrawal matrix, see Configure the stock withdrawal matrix in the Warehousing documentation.


A warehouse for POS is configured, see Configure the warehouse for POS.


Warehouse > Settings > Tab WAREHOUSE > Tab Stock withdrawal matrix

Stock withdrawal matrix

  1. Click the [ADD] button in the bottom left corner.
    A new row is displayed in the list.

  2. Configure the following settings:

    • Select the --all-- option in the drop-down list in the Product group column.
    • Select the output channel via which you want to create offers in the drop-down list in the Sales channel column.
    • Select the created POS store in the drop-down list in the Account column.
    • Select the --all-- option in the drop-down list in the Sub-account column.
    • Select the --all-- option in the drop-down list in the Shipping provider column.
    • Select the warehouse from which you want to take the stock in the drop-down list in the Warehouse column.
  3. Click the [SAVE ASSIGNMENTS] button in the bottom right corner.
    The new assignment in the stock withdrawal matrix is saved.

Assign the stock source

Assign a stock source to manage the store stock. The stock source specifies how the stock available in the POS system is calculated. In most cases, the stock source and the warehouse are identical, but they can also differ.

Create a stock attribute


No prerequisites to fulfill.


PIM > Settings > Tab ATTRIBUTES

PIM Attributes

  1. Click the Add (Add) button in the bottom right corner.
    The Create attribute view is displayed.

    Create attribute

  2. Enter an appropriate name for the attribute in the Name field, for instance Stock test store.

  3. Enter an appropriate key in the Key field.

    Only alphanumeric characters and _ are allowed. The key has to start with a letter. Blank spaces are not permitted in the Key field.

  4. Select the Stock value option in the Data type drop-down list.

  5. Click the Add (Add) button in the Assigned sets section.
    A new drop-down list is displayed in the Assigned sets section.

  6. Select the corresponding set in the Assigned sets drop-down list.

  7. Click the [SAVE] button in the upper right corner.
    The attribute is saved. The page Create attribute is closed.

  8. Press the F5 key to initialize the Core1 Platform.

Configure the stock allocation

Configure the stock allocation. For detailed information, see also Configure the stock allocation



Warehousing > Settings > Tab WAREHOUSE > Tab Stock allocation

Stock allocation

  1. Select the row with the stock allocation attributes name.

  2. Double-click the field with the Default (Calculation, stock) option in the Stock calculation column.
    A drop-down list is displayed.

  3. Select the Calculation, stock option in the drop-down list in the Stock calculation column.
    The fields in the warehouse columns are unlocked.

  4. Double-click the option in a warehouse column to display the drop-down list.

  5. Select the Yes option in the drop-down list to include the corresponding warehouse in the stock allocation calculation or select the No option to exclude it.

    Select for each warehouse whether it should be included or not.

  6. Click the [Save] button in the bottom right corner.
    The stock allocation is saved. When the stock in a warehouse that is included in the formula is changed, the stock will be entered automatically in the stock field.

Map the attribute to the stock of the store



DataHub > ETL > Tab MAPPINGS


  1. Select the checkbox of the mapping with the new store as a destination attribute set in the list of attribute set mappings and click the Edit (Edit) button in the editing toolbar in the upper right corner.
    The Mapping view is displayed.


  2. Click the row with the destination attribute Stock in the list of mappings.
    The Settings section is displayed on the right side.

    Mapping Settings

  3. Select the Basic Mapping option in the Extension drop-down list in the Settings section.

  4. Select the stock attribute in the Source attribute drop-down list.

  5. Click the [SAVE] button in the upper right corner.
    The mapping is saved.

  6. Select the checkbox of the new mapping and click the [RERUN SELECTED MAPPING] button.
    The mapping is executed again.

    If necessary, repeat step 2 to 6 for all mappings with the store as a destination attribute.

Assign the accounts

In this step you assign the accounts to which you want to post the payments.
You may assign the same accounts to all stores, or you may assign different accounts per store or even per pay desk. Depending on your choice, you have to assign the accounts in different places:

  • To assign the same accounts to all stores, enter the accounts in the global settings.
  • To assign the accounts to a single store, enter the accounts in the admin settings of the respective store.
  • To assign the accounts to a single pay desk, enter the accounts in the admin settings of the respective pay desk.

    Note that the more specific settings always override the more general settings.

    This means that the accounts specified in the pay desks admin settings are always used first. If none are specified there, the accounts from the store admin settings are used and only when nothing is specified there, the accounts from the global settings are used.

Assign the accounts in the global settings

To assign the same accounts to all stores, you may enter the account numbers in the global settings.



Venduo POS > Management > Tab GLOBAL SETTINGS > Entry Account allocation Accounting

Allocate accounts global settings

  1. Select the respective account in the Account column and enter the corresponding account numbers for the different payment types and currencies.
    For detailed information, see Manage the accounts for POS.

  2. Click the [Save] button in the bottom right corner of the window.
    A confirmation message is displayed. The account assignment is saved.

Assign the accounts in the store settings

To assign the accounts to a single store, you may enter the account numbers in the store admin settings.



Venduo POS > Management > Tab STORES > Select Store > Tab Admin Settings > Entry Account assignment

Assign accounts in store settings

In the top right corner, the Apply from global toggle is displayed. Activate the toggle to apply the account assignment from the global settings.

When the toggle is active, all fields in the detail view are locked. By default, this toggle is inactive.

  1. Select the respective account in the Account column and enter the corresponding account numbers for the different payment types and currencies.
    For detailed information, see Manage the accounts for POS.

  2. Click the [Save] button in the bottom right corner of the window.
    A confirmation message is displayed. The account assignment for the selected store is saved.

Assign the accounts in the pay desk settings

To assign the accounts to a single pay desk, you may enter the account numbers in the pay desk admin settings.



Venduo POS > Management > Tab STORES > Select Store > Select Pay Desk > Tab Admin Settings > Entry Account assignment

Assign accounts pay desk settings

In the top right corner, the Apply from global toggle is displayed. Activate the toggle to apply the account assignment from the global settings.

When the toggle is active, all fields in the detail view are locked. By default, this toggle is inactive.

  1. Select the respective account in the Account column and enter the corresponding account numbers for the different payment types and currencies.
    For detailed information, see Manage the accounts for POS.

  2. Click the [Save] button in the bottom right corner of the window.
    A confirmation message is displayed. The account assignment for the selected pay desk is saved.