Manage the tax classes

A tax class is assigned to each product. The tax class is determined by the competent tax authorities of the territory where the product is to be taxed.

There are two main tax classes in most territories: the standard and the reduced tax rate class. However, there can also be special taxes, such as super-reduced or zero taxes. Tax classes can be created, edited and deleted if necessary.
For many products the applicable tax class is the same in every tax zone. If special cases exist for your setup where the tax class differs in relevant regions, you may need to create additional tax classes that are mapped to the correct tax keys for each tax zone.

Create a tax class

Create a tax class to be assigned to a product or group of products.


No prerequisites to fulfill.


Taxes > Settings > Tab TAX CLASSES

Tax classes

  1. Click the Add (Add) button in the upper left corner.
    A new data input line is displayed.

  2. Enter the desired tax class name in the input line.

  3. Click the [SAVE] button.
    The tax class has been saved.

  4. Press the F5 key to initialize the Core1 Platform and to apply the changes.
    The new tax class is displayed in the list of tax classes.

Edit a tax class

Edit a tax class to modify its name.


A tax class has been created, see Create a tax class.


Taxes > Settings > Tab TAX CLASSES

Tax classes

  1. Click the desired tax class field and enter a new name.

  2. Click the [SAVE] button.
    The changes have been saved. The Changes have been saved pop-up window is displayed.

    Changes saved

  3. Press the F5 key to initialize the Core1 Platform and to apply the changes.
    The renamed tax class is displayed in the list of tax classes.

Delete a tax class

Delete a tax class that is no longer applicable.

Be aware that any deletion is permanent and cannot be undone. Besides, a deletion may have far-reaching consequences for the proper functioning of the system, as the Taxes module interacts with the Order management module and, indirectly, with the Accounting module.


A tax class has been created, see Create a tax class.


Taxes > Settings > Tab TAX CLASSES

Tax classes

  1. Click the Delete (Delete) button next to the tax class to be deleted.
    The tax class has been removed from the list.

  2. Click the [SAVE] button.
    The tax class has been deleted. The Changes have been saved pop-up window is displayed.

    Changes saved

  3. Press the F5 key to initialize the Core1 Platform and to apply the changes.
    The deleted tax class is no longer displayed in the list of tax classes.