Fiscal year


Select fiscal year

When opening the Accounting module for the first time after logging in or after reloading the system, the fiscal year window is displayed. Select the appropriate values to display the corresponding period. For detailed information, see Select fiscal year.

  • Fiscal Year
    Click the drop-down list to select the fiscal year. All available fiscal years are displayed in the list.

  • Period (DD.MM.YYYY) to (DD.MM.YYYY)
    Period of the fiscal year. The period fields are filled in automatically after selecting the fiscal year. These fields are read-only.

  • Month
    Click the drop-down list to select the month. The following options are available:

    • 0 - Balances carried forward
      Period used to post open items and balances carried forward from the previous fiscal year.
    • 1 - 12 - (calendar month)
      Regular postings are recorded in the corresponding calendar month.
    • 13 - 15 - Subsequent postings
      Periods used to make postings retrospectively.
    • 16 - 25 - Closing postings
      Periods used to make postings at year end in preparation for the annual financial reports (balance sheet and P&L).
    • 99 - General month
      Postings made in this period are not posted in month 99, but are automatically recorded in the corresponding calendar month depending on the posting date.
  • Journal
    Click the [LIST] button next to the field to display the list of journals and select a journal. Alternatively, you can enter the journal number.

    There are two main types of journals preconfigured in the system:

    • General journals (1-12)
      The journals 1 to 12 are paired with the fiscal year months, regardless of whether the fiscal year coincides with the calendar year or not. This means that all transactions posted in the first month of the fiscal year will be found in journal 1, all transactions posted in the second month of the fiscal year in the journal 2, and so on.

    • Special journals (90-99)
      The journals 90 to 99 are specialized lists of transactions records preconfigured in the system. The special journals settings can be edited and extended in the BALANCES CARRIED FORWARD tab in the Settings menu entry, see Balance carried forward.
  • [LIST]
    Click this button to display all available journals with postings and the number of postings contained in each of them. The Journals window is displayed, see Journals.

  • Include fixed postings
    Choose whether or not include the fixed postings. If you select the checkbox, the Fixed postings section is displayed.

  • Fixed postings
    Available fixed posting batches. Click the appropriate batch to include the fixed postings. For detailed information, see Manage fixed postings.

  • [OK]
    Click this button to confirm the selected values.

  • [CANCEL]
    Click this button to cancel the selected values.


Accounting > Select fiscal year > Button LIST


  • Journal
    Journal number. Click the journal to select it. The Journal window is closed and the selected journal is displayed in the Journal field of the Select fiscal year window, see Fiscal year.

  • # Postings
    Number of postings in the corresponding journal.