Manage a catalog

You can manage products in different catalogs and assign them to categories in order to sort the products and find them faster.

Create a catalog

Create a catalog with at least one category for new attributes you want to assign to a certain category.

Define the catalog basic data

Create a new catalog and define its name to be able to create one or more categories afterwards.


No prerequisites to fulfill.


PIM > Settings > Tab CATALOGS


  1. Click the Points (Points) button to the right of the catalog name in the left column.
    The catalog context menu is displayed.


  2. Click the + Create new menu entry.
    The Create new catalog view is displayed.

    Create new catalog

  3. Enter a name for the catalog in the text field in the header.

  4. Proceed to add a category to the catalog.

    [Info} At least one category per catalog is required to which you can assign the products.

Create a category

You need to add at least one category to a catalog to be able to assign products to it.


The catalog basic data has been created, see Define the catalog basic data.


PIM > Settings > Tab CATALOGS > Button Create new

  1. Click the Add (Add) button in the bottom right corner.
    A plus sign is displayed in the category column.

    Add category

  2. Click the plus sign in the category column.
    The Add element window is displayed in the category column.

    Add element

  3. Enter a name for the category of the catalog in the Name field.

  4. Enter a key for the category of the catalog in the Key field.

  5. Click the [SAVE] button.
    The catalog category has been created. The Add element window is closed. The new category is displayed in the category column.

    Category created

    To add an additional category, repeat the steps 1 to 5. To add a sub-category, see Create a sub-category.

  6. Click the [SAVE] button in the upper right corner.
    The new catalog has been saved. The Create new catalog view is closed.

Edit a catalog

After you have created a catalog, you can edit the catalog and its categories. You can create further categories, change the order of categories and delete categories.

Create a sub-category

Create a sub-category to be able to assign products to individual categories in an even more detailed way.


At least one catalog with one category has been created, see Create a catalog.


PIM > Settings > Tab CATALOGS


  1. Select the catalog in which you want to create a sub-category in the drop-down list in the left column.
    The catalog name is displayed in the drop-down list.

  2. Click the Points (Points) button to the right of the selected catalog.
    The catalog context menu is displayed.


  3. Click the Edit Edit menu entry.
    The Edit catalog view is displayed.

    Edit Catalog

  4. Select the category in which you want to create a sub-category the category column. A sub-category column is displayed to the right of the category column.

  5. Click the Add (Add) button in the bottom right corner.
    A plus sign is displayed in the category column as well as in the sub-category column.

    Add sub category

  6. Click the plus sign in the sub-category column.
    The Add element window is displayed in the sub-category column.

    Add sub element

  7. Enter a name for the sub-category in the Name field.

  8. Enter a key for the sub-category in the Key field.

  9. Click the [SAVE] button.
    The catalog sub-category has been created. The Add element window is closed. The new sub-category is displayed in the sub-category column.

    To add an additional sub-category, repeat the steps 4 to 8. You can create an unlimited number of sub-categories in an unlimited number of levels. The procedure to create a sub-category in another level is identical to creating a sub-category. Just select the category or sub-category in which you want to create another sub-category and click the corresponding plus sign in the column of the respective level.

  10. Click the [SAVE] button in the upper right corner.
    The new sub-category has been saved. The Edit catalog view is closed.

Change the order of categories

The order of categories within the catalog is also displayed in the product view. If you want to have a different order, change the order of categories in the desired way.



PIM > Settings > Tab CATALOGS


  1. Select the catalog in which you want to create a sub-category in the drop-down list in the left column.
    The catalog name is displayed in the drop-down list.

  2. Click the Points (Points) button to the right of the selected catalog.
    The catalog context menu is displayed.


  3. Click the Edit Edit menu entry.
    The Edit catalog view is displayed.

    Edit Catalog

    The procedure to change the order of categories and sub-categories is identical. Just select the sub-category instead of the category and follow the steps described below.

  4. Click and hold the Sort (Sort) button to the left of the category you want to move to another position in the list.

  5. By using drag and drop, move the selected category to the desired position in the list.

  6. Click the [SAVE] button in the upper right corner.
    The new category order has been saved. The Edit category view is closed.

Delete a category

Delete a category that is no longer needed. If you delete a category containing one or more sub-categories, these sub-categories will be deleted as well.



PIM > Settings > Tab CATALOGS


  1. Select the catalog in which you want to delete a category in the drop-down list in the left column.
    The catalog name is displayed in the drop-down list.

  2. Click the Points (Points) button to the right of the selected catalog.
    The catalog context menu is displayed.


  3. Click the Edit Edit menu entry.
    The Edit catalog view is displayed.

    Edit Catalog

    The procedure to delete categories and sub-categories is identical. Just select the sub-category instead of the category and follow the steps described below.

  4. Click the Edit (Edit) button to the right of the category you want to delete.
    The category data is displayed in a window in the category column.

    Category data

    The Edit (Edit) button is only displayed if you hover over the respective category.

  5. Click the Delete (Delete) button in the bottom left corner of the category data window.
    The selected category has been removed from the category column. The category data window is closed.

    Make sure that no product is assigned to the category that will be deleted as problems may occur to products that are still assigned to a deleted category.

  6. Click the [SAVE] button in the upper right corner.
    The category has been deleted. The Edit category view is closed.

Assign a product to a catalog category

Assign a product to a catalog category to sort the products and find them faster.



PIM > Products > Tab LIST

Product list catalog

  1. Click the product you want to assign to a catalog category in the list of products.
    The Edit product view is displayed. The Attributes tab is preselected.

    Attributes Iphone

  2. Select the Catalogs tab.
    The Catalogs tab is displayed

    Catalogs Iphone

  3. Click the [EDIT ATTRIBUTE] button in the section of the catalog to which you want to assign the selected product.
    A window with all categories and sub-categories of the selected catalog is displayed.


  4. Select the checkbox of the category or sub-category you want to assign the product to.

    You can assign a product to several categories or sub-categories.

  5. Click the [SAVE] button in the bottom right corner of the window.
    The window is closed. The selected category is displayed in the section of the catalog.

    Assigned categories Iphone

  6. Click the [SAVE] button in the upper right corner.
    The product has been assigned to the selected category. The Edit product view is closed. The list of products is displayed again.

  7. Select the appropriate catalog and the assigned category in the left side bar. The list of products displays only those products that are assigned to the selected category.

    Select category
