Manage an attribute set

An attribute set consists of multiple attributes to classify certain products according to demand or production contexts. By default, the PIM Basic Set attribute set is predefined.

You can create attribute sets, edit existing attribute sets and deactivate attribute sets that are not in use. You can add attributes to or remove attributes from an attribute set and change the required attributes within an attribute set.

Create an attribute set

Create an attribute set to define a new attribute set with different attributes to the PIM Basic Set.

Define the attribute set basic data

Define the basic inputs, such as name and description, for the attribute set.


Additional attributes for the attribute set have been created, see Create an attribute.



Attribute sets

  1. Click the Add (Add) button in the bottom right corner.
    The Create attribute set view is displayed.

    Create attribute set

  2. Enter a name for the attribute set in the Name field and, if desired, add an attribute set description in the Description field.

  3. Enter a key for the attribute set in the Key field. The key is required for API access and must be system wide unique. An attribute set key must fulfill the following criteria:

    • valid characters are a-z (upper and lower case), 0-9 and the underscore ( _ )
    • the key must not start with a number
    • a double underscore ( ___ ) and a trailing underscore are forbidden

    In order to facilitate the assignment of sets in the further process, it is recommended to add the prefix pimset_ to all attribute sets created in the PIM module.

  4. For the next steps to create an attribute set, follow the appropriate procedure:

Create an attribute set without attribute inheritance

When you create an attribute set without inheritance, you have to add all attributes manually to the created attribute set. Neither attributes nor configurations are applied from another attribute set. In exchange, you can define individually which attributes are required and customize their configuration.


The basic data of the attribute set has been completed, see Define the attribute set basic data.


PIM > Settings > Tab ATTRIBUTE SETS > Button Add

Create attribute set inheritance

  1. Select the No inheritance option in the Inherit/Copy values from drop-down list.
    The Inherit configuration toggle and the Inherit/Copy values drop-down list are locked.

  2. Click the [SAVE] button.
    The new attribute set has been saved. The Create attribute set view changes to the Edit attribute set view. The Attribute set created pop-up window is displayed.

    Attribute set created

  3. Click the Back (Back) button in the upper left corner to return to the list of attribute sets or proceed to edit the attribute set, see Edit an attribute set.

Create an attribute set with attribute inheritance

When you create an attribute set with attribute inheritance, you adopt all attributes from the selected attribute set. The inherited attributes cannot be changed. Further, all changes in the inheritance attribute set are also applied to the linked attribute set. Each time a change is made in the inheritance attribute set, the linked attribute sets are updated.


The basic data of the attribute set has been completed, see Define the attribute set basic data.


PIM > Settings > Tab ATTRIBUTE SETS > Button Add

Create attribute set inheritance

  1. Select an attribute set in the Inherit/Copy values from drop-down list.

  2. Enable the Inherit configuration toggle if you also want to adopt the configuration to the new attribute set.

  3. Select the Inherit option in the Inherit/Copy values drop-down list.

  4. Click the [SAVE] button.
    The new attribute set has been saved. The Create attribute set view changes to the Edit attribute set view. The Attribute set created pop-up window is displayed.

    Attribute set created

  5. Click the Back (Back) button in the upper left corner to return to the list of attribute sets or proceed to edit the attribute set.

Create an attribute set with attribute copying

When you create an attribute set with attribute copying, you copy all attributes from the selected attribute set once. After copying, the attribute set behaves like an attribute set without attribute inheritance. Further changes in the copied attribute set are not affecting the created attribute set.


The basic data of the attribute set has been completed, see Define the attribute set basic data.


PIM > Settings > Tab ATTRIBUTE SETS > Button Add

Create attribute set inheritance

  1. Select an attribute set in the Inherit/Copy values from drop-down list.

  2. Enable the Inherit configuration toggle if you also want to adopt the configuration to the new attribute set.

  3. Select the Copy once option in the Inherit/Copy values drop-down list.

  4. Click the [SAVE] button.
    The new attribute set has been saved. The Create attribute set view changes to the Edit attribute set view. The Attribute set created pop-up window is displayed.

    Attribute set created

  5. Click the Back (Back) button in the upper left corner to return to the list of attribute sets or proceed to edit the attribute set.

Edit an attribute set

After you have created an attribute set, you can edit it. Depending on the selected inheritance type, only a certain number of attributes may be editable. However, you can add further attributes to an attribute set or remove unmapped attributes from an attribute set.

Add an attribute to the set

Add a new attribute to an attribute set to define any further specifications.


By default, the PIM Basic Set attribute set has been created when installing the PIM module.




  1. Click the attribute set you want to edit in the list of attribute sets.
    The Edit attribute set view is displayed.

    Edit attribute set

  2. Click the Add (Add) button in the Assigned attributes section.
    The Add attributes view is displayed. All active attributes that are not yet included in the selected attribute set are displayed in the list.

    Add attribute

    If the There are no unassigned attributes. notice is displayed in the Add attributes view, all active attributes are already included in the selected attribute set. Check if you have selected the appropriate attribute set, click the Refresh (Refresh) button to update the list or create a new attribute.

  3. Select the checkboxes of the attributes you want to add to the attribute set.
    The editing toolbar is displayed above the list.

  4. Click the [ADD] button in the editing toolbar.
    The selected attributes have been added to the attribute set. The Add attributes view is closed. The Edit attribute set view is displayed again. The added attributes are displayed in the Assigned attributes section.

    Any changes to the assigned attributes are automatically saved in the attribute set.

Remove an attribute from the set

Remove an attribute from an attribute set to limit the specifications. Inherited attributes or mapped attributes cannot be removed from an attributes set.


By default, the PIM Basic Set attribute set has been created when installing the PIM module.




  1. Click the attribute set you want to edit in the list of attribute sets.
    The Edit attribute set view is displayed.

    Edit attribute set

  2. In the Assigned attributes section, select the checkboxes of the attributes you want to remove from the attribute set.
    The editing toolbar is displayed above the list.

  3. Click the Delete (Delete) button in the editing toolbar.

    If the selected attributes cannot be removed from the attribute set, an error message is displayed in the upper right corner.

    The selected attributes have been removed from the attribute set. The list of attributes is updated.

Any changes to the assigned attributes are automatically saved in the attribute set.

Change the required attributes in the set

The product completeness is calculated depending on the required attributes within an attribute set. All required attributes are marked with a (required) indication in the product view.
Note that entities can be saved even if not all (required) attributes are completed.

You can define whether an attribute should be required or not. Note that inherited attributes can only be changed in the origin attribute set and the required status is also inherited to the linked attribute sets.

Be aware that the activation or deactivation of languages affects the completeness calculation. Further, deactivated attributes are not included in the completeness calculation even if they are required.


An attribute set has been created, see Create an attribute set.

By default, the PIM Basic Set attribute set has been created when installing the PIM module.




  1. Click the attribute set you want to edit in the list of attribute sets.
    The Edit attribute set view is displayed.

    Edit attribute set

  2. Click the Settings (Settings) button in the Assigned attributes section.
    The Required column in the list of attributes is unlocked. The color of the Settings (Settings) button switches to blue.


  3. Enable or disable the Required toggle in the Required column to define whether or not an attribute value should be required in the selected attribute set.

    Be aware that you can only edit the Required option for attributes that are not inherited.

  4. Click the Settings (Settings) button in the Assigned attributes section.
    The Required column in the list of attributes is locked. All changes in the attribute list have been saved.

  5. Click the Back (Back) button in the upper left corner to return to the list of attribute sets or proceed to edit the attribute set.

Deactivate an attribute set

If an attribute set is no longer used, it is recommended to deactivate the attribute set to prevent any problems because of existing dependencies. If you deactivate an attribute set, it is no longer available when creating attributes or products.


An attribute set has been created, see Create an attribute set.

By default, the PIM Basic Set attribute set has been created when installing the PIM module.




  1. Click the attribute set you want to deactivate in the list of attribute sets.
    The Edit attribute set view is displayed.

    Edit attribute set

  2. Disable the Active toggle.

    If you want to reactivate an attribute set, enable the Active toggle.

  3. Click the [SAVE] button.
    The attribute set has been deactivated. The Edit attribute set view is closed.

  4. Press the F5 key to initialize the Core1 Platform and to apply the changes.