Manage the connections

Establish connections via drivers to connect your fulfillers' system with the Actindo Core1 Platform.

In the following, the general settings to create, edit, enable and disable connections are described. For certain connection drivers, you have to setup special configurations. Therefore, the Fiege connection is described separately, see Fiege connection.

Create a connection

Create a connection to a certain fulfiller. As soon as a connection has been established, an initial synchronization will be triggered, which will transfer the entire data model of the connected fulfiller mirrored to Actindo. This means that all attributes and attribute sets from the fulfiller are also transferred to Actindo and can be accessed in the DataHub module. Depending on the fulfiller to be connected, special configurations may be necessary.


At least one driver has been installed.


Fulfillment > Settings > Tab CONNECTIONS


  1. Click the Add (Add) button in the bottom right corner.
    The Create connection view is displayed.

    Create connection

  2. Enter a name for the connection in the Name field.

  3. Click the Driver drop-down list and select the desired driver. All available drivers are displayed in the list.

    Drivers must be purchased from the main account and then be installed separately in each sandbox or account where you want to use it.

    The Credentials section is displayed below the drop-down list.


    Depending on the selected driver, the fields in the Credentials section differ.

  4. Enter the required data in the fields in the Credentials section.

  5. Click the [SAVE] button.
    The connection will be established. The Checking credentials... notice is displayed. After a few seconds, the Loading data... notice is displayed.

    Checking credentials

    The Create connection view is automatically closed when the connection has been established. The Edit connection view of the newly created connection is displayed. The Settings tab is selected.

    Edit connection settings

    By default, all connections that have been established are inactive and therefore must be enabled after the connection configuration, see Enable a connection.

Edit a connection

Edit a connection to adjust any changed credentials, the connection name or further settings. The driver selection is read-only and cannot be edited.


At least one connection has been created, see Create a connection.


Fulfillment > Settings > Tab CONNECTIONS


  1. Click the connection you want to edit in the list of connections.
    The Edit connection view is displayed.

    Depending on the driver of the connection, the Credentials and the Settings tab are displayed in the Edit connection view.

    Edit connection

  2. Edit the desired data of the connection in the corresponding fields in the Credentials tab.

  3. If necessary, click the Settings tab and edit the desired settings of the connection in the corresponding fields.

  4. Click the [SAVE] button.
    The Checking credentials... notice is displayed.


    The Edit connection view is automatically closed when the changes have been saved. The Connections view is displayed again.

Enable a connection

A connection can only be used if it is active. Otherwise, no data is being synchronized via the connection. By default, all connections that have been established are inactive and therefore must be enabled. If a connection has been disabled, it can be enabled again. It is possible to enable several connections at a time.



Fulfillment > Settings > Tab CONNECTIONS


  1. Select the checkbox of the connection you want to enable in the list of connections.
    The editing toolbar is displayed above the list of connections.

  2. Click the [ENABLE] button in the editing toolbar.
    The connection has been activated.

  3. If necessary, click the Refresh (Refresh) button to update the list of connections.
    The status of the enabled connection in the Status column has switched to Active.

Disable a connection

Once a connection has been established, it cannot be deleted because of active dispatch notes and potential dependencies, such as warehouse associations. Nevertheless, the connection can be disabled if it is no longer used. It is possible to disable several active connections at a time.



Fulfillment > Settings > Tab CONNECTIONS


  1. Select the checkbox of the connection you want to disable in the list of connections.
    The editing toolbar is displayed above the list of connections.

  2. Click the [DISABLE] button in the editing toolbar.
    The connection has been deactivated.

  3. Click the Refresh (Refresh) button to update the list of connections.
    The status of the disabled connection in the Status column has switched to Inactive.