Manage the deleted attributes

Once an attribute has been deleted, it is moved to the DELETED ATTRIBUTES tab. However, it is not irretrievably deleted. You can recover a deleted attribute and thus make the deletion undone. Alternatively, you can permanently delete an attribute that is definitely no longer needed.

Recover an attribute

Recover an attribute and undo the deletion for attributes that have been deleted by mistake.


At least one attribute has been moved to the DELETED ATTRIBUTES tab, see Delete an attribute.


DataHub > Data model > Tab DELETED ATTRIBUTES


  1. Select the checkbox of the attribute you want to recover in the list of deleted attributes.
    The editing toolbar is displayed.

  2. Click the [RECOVER] button in the editing toolbar.
    The selected attribute has been recovered and is removed from the list of deleted attributes.

Permanently delete an attribute

Permanently delete an attribute if it is no longer needed.
There are usually dependencies on an attribute, for example through an attribute set or created entities. It is recommended to deactivate an attribute instead of deleting it permanently, see Deactivate an attribute. Permanently deleted attributes cannot be recovered.

Deleting will permanently remove the selected data. The deletion cannot be undone and the deleted data cannot be restored. Problems may occur due to unresolved dependencies. Make sure you really want to delete the selected data.


At least one attribute has been moved to the DELETED ATTRIBUTES tab, see Delete an attribute.


DataHub > Data model > Tab DELETED ATTRIBUTES


  1. Click the checkbox of the attribute you want to permanently delete in the list of deleted attributes.
    The editing toolbar is displayed above the attributes list.

    If an attribute moved to the DELETED ATTRIBUTES tab is not yet displayed in the list of deleted attributes, click the Refresh (Refresh) button to update the list.

  2. Click the [DELETE] button in the editing toolbar.
    The attribute has been permanently deleted. The deletion cannot be undone.