Manage a variant set

You can create a variant set for a PIM product or an Omni-Channel offer. A variant set represents a special characteristic of a product or offer, for instance the size or the color. A variant set includes therefore the attributes needed to define a variant to a product or offer.

You can manage the variant sets both in the PIM and the Omni-Channel modules depending on your specific module configuration, since the two modules are independent of each other. If both the Omni-Channel and the PIM modules are used, there is a predefined mapping that automatically applies the variant sets from PIM to Omni-Channel. Otherwise, you can manage the variant sets directly in your Omni-Channel module. The data displayed differ slightly, as only the attributes that are relevant for PIM or Omni-Channel are displayed in the respective module. The functionality itself, however, is based on the data models defined in the DataHub module.

Create a variant set

Create a variant set to be able to create variants to products or offers. A variant set is always assigned to a certain attribute set. When a variant set is created to an attribute set, you can create variants to all products or offers with this attribute set. You must assign at least one defining attribute to a variant set. Moreover, you can assign further defining and changeable attributes.

Generally, a variant inherits all attribute values from its master entity. These inherited attribute values are locked in the variant and can only be edited in the master entity. Attribute values that differ from the master entity and must be maintained individually in the variant itself must be added to the list of defining and changeable attributes in the variant set.

Define the variant set basic data

Define the basic inputs, such as name and attribute set, for the variant set.


An attribute set has been created, see Create an attribute set.

By default, the PIM basic set attribute set has been created when installing the PIM module.


PIM > Settings > Tab VARIANT SETS
Omni-Channel > Settings > Tab VARIANT SETS

Variant sets

  1. Click the Add (Add) button in the bottom right corner.
    The Create variant set view is displayed.

    Create variant set

  2. Enter a name for the variant set in the Name field.

  3. Select an attribute set in the Attribute set drop-down list. All active attribute sets are displayed in the list. Bear in mind that only those attribute sets that are relevant for the module are displayed.
    The Formulas section with the Formula for SKU field is displayed.

    You need to specify defining and changeable attributes for the variant set at a later step. Be aware that only those attributes assigned to the selected attribute set will be available.


  4. If desired, enable the Copy values of changeable attributes to variant when creating a new variant toggle. It is recommended to enable it.

    This feature makes it easier for you to link independently created products and establish a master-variant relationship between them. For example, if you have the same T-shirt in different colors, all the colored T-shirts should be subordinated as variants to a master T-shirt. If this toggle is enabled, the changeable attributes values, which are different per variant, are copied from the master entity when creating a new variant, so that you just have to update the values if necessary.

  5. Enter a formula for the variants SKU in the Formula for SKU field using the displayed placeholders. By default, you can enter the formula {master}-{L}.

    The value of the defining attributes can be included into the SKU formula. When you have added a defining attribute, the corresponding placeholder for this attribute is displayed in the Formulas section.

  6. For the next steps to create a variant set, follow the procedures below:

    At least one defining attribute is required to create a variant set. Changeable attributes can be selected optionally.

Add defining attributes

A defining attribute is the characteristic that defines the variation within a master entity and differentiates the variant entity from other variant entities of the same master. For example, in the case of a PIM product, such as a piece of clothing, color or size can be defining attributes, as we have shirts in color red, blue, or black, or in size S, M, or L. There cannot be two variants of the same master entity with exact the same defining attribute value(s).

You have to select at least one defining attribute to create a variant set. Bear in mind that only attributes with the following data types can be selected as defining attributes: String, Float, Integer, TreeNode, and UnitValue. Besides, you can only select attributes as defining attributes that are neither multi-language nor multi-channel and that are assigned to the selected attribute set.


By default, the PIM basic set attribute set has been created when installing the PIM module.


PIM > Settings > Tab VARIANT SETS > Button Add
Omni-Channel > Settings > Tab VARIANT SETS > Button Add


  1. Click the Add (Add) button in the Defining attributes box. This button is only displayed if an attribute set is selected.
    The Add defining attributes view is displayed.

    Add defining attributes

  2. Select the checkboxes of the attributes you want to be a defining attribute for the selected variant.
    The editing toolbar is displayed above the attribute list.

    In the case of the Color variant set, for example, the defining attribute would be Color.

  3. Click the [ADD AND GO BACK] button.
    The Add defining attributes view is closed. The selected attributes are displayed in the Defining attributes box. A placeholder for the added attribute is displayed in the Formulas section.

    Defining attributes added

    You can edit the formula in the Formula for SKU field and include the defining attribute placeholder(s).

  4. If desired, add changeable attributes to the variant set, see Add changeable attributes. Otherwise, click the [SAVE] button in the upper right corner.
    The Create variant set view is closed. The new variant set has been saved and is displayed in the list of variant sets.

Add changeable attributes

Unlike defining attributes, changeable attributes do not define the variation within a master entity. They are simply additional characteristics that can differ between the different variant entities. For example, in the case of a PIM product, EAN code, stock amount, image, or price can be changeable attributes.


By default, the PIM basic set attribute set has been created when installing the PIM module.


PIM > Settings > Tab VARIANT SETS > Button Add
Omni-Channel > Settings > Tab VARIANT SETS > Button Add


  1. Click the Add (Add) button in the Changeable attributes box. This button is only displayed if an attribute set is selected.
    The Add changeable attributes view is displayed.

    Add changeable attributes

  2. Select the checkboxes of the attributes you want to be a changeable attribute for the selected variant.
    The editing toolbar is displayed above the attribute list.

  3. Click the [ADD AND GO BACK] button.
    The Add changeable attributes view is closed. The selected attributes are displayed in the Changeable attributes box.

    Changeable attributes added

  4. Click the [SAVE] button in the upper right corner.
    The Create variant set view is closed. The new variant set has been saved and is displayed in the list of variant sets.

Edit a variant set

After you have created a variant set, you can edit it. However, only some fields are editable. The assigned attribute set cannot be subsequently modified.


At least one variant set has been created, see Create a variant set.


PIM > Settings > Tab VARIANT SETS
Omni-Channel > Settings > Tab VARIANT SETS

Variant sets

  1. Click the variant set you want to edit in the list of variant sets.
    The Edit variant set view is displayed.

    Edit variant set

  2. Edit the desired data of the variant set in the corresponding fields.

  3. Click the [SAVE] button in the upper right corner.
    The changes have been saved. The Edit variant set view is closed.

    If the changes are not yet displayed in the list of variant sets, click the Refresh (Refresh) button in the top right corner to update the list of variant sets.

Remove an attribute from the variant set

You can remove defining and changeable attributes from the variant set. Note that defining attributes can only be removed, if no product or offer has already been created using the variant set. Besides, at least one defining attribute must always be assigned. You can remove all of the changeable attributes though.


A variant set has been created, see Create a variant set.


PIM > Settings > Tab VARIANT SETS
Omni-Channel > Settings > Tab VARIANT SETS

Variant sets

  1. Click the variant set you want to edit in the list of variant sets.
    The Edit variant set view is displayed.

    Edit variant set

  2. Select the checkboxes of the attributes you want to remove either in the Defining attributes or the Changeable attributes box.
    The [DELETE] button is displayed in the editing toolbar above the attribute list.

  3. Click the [DELETE] button in the editing toolbar.
    The attribute is removed from the list.

  4. Click the [SAVE] button in the upper right corner.
    The changes have been saved. The Edit variant set view is closed.

    If the changes are not yet displayed in the list of variant sets, click the Refresh (Refresh) button in the top right corner to update the list of variant sets.
