Manage the offers

An offer represents a specific product on a marketplace. The structure of the offers is similar to the product structure: There are offers to master products, variants and single products.

In contrast to the PIM products, the connected driver determines all attributes that are displayed within an offer. This means that regardless of which attributes are assigned to a product in the PIM module, the offer for the corresponding product in the Omni-Channel module displays those attributes that are assigned to the product by the marketplace. Consequently, the offer may not contain all PIM attributes, but can also contain additional attributes that are not included in the PIM module.

You can create manual offers or offers from PIM products, edit offers, change their status, check the scheduled offer imports and delete offers that are no longer used.

Create an offer

To offer a product on a marketplace, you have to create an offer to the product. You can either create an offer from an existing PIM product or from the scratch to manually maintain the offers details.

Create an offer from a PIM product

If the Actindo PIM module is used, offers can be created directly from the PIM products.


  • The PIM module has been installed.
  • At least one PIM product has been created, see Create a product.


Omni-Channel > Offers > Tab OFFERS


  1. Click the Add (Add) button in the bottom right corner.
    The [Manual offer Manual offer ] button and the [Create from PIM product Create from PIM product ] button are displayed.

    Add offer

  2. Click the [Create from PIM product Create from PIM product ] button.
    The Select marketplace wizard window is displayed.

    Select marketplace

  3. Configure the following settings:

    • Select the appropriate radio buttons:

      • Radiobutton All products
        Offers for all existing PIM products are created.
      • Radiobutton Select products
        Select manually the products you want to create an offer for.
    • Click the Connection drop-down list and select the connection for which you want to create the offer. All available connections are displayed in the list.
      The [CONTINUE] button is unlocked.

    • Enable the Do not create duplicates toggle to automatically exclude existing offers from the creation process.

      Note that if you disable the Do not create duplicates toggle, existing offers will be recreated, they will be assigned an automatically generated SKU and they will exist in addition to the original offers.

  4. Click the button [CONTINUE] in the bottom right corner.
    If you have selected the All products radio button, the Review and finalize wizard window is displayed and you can continue with step 8.
    If you have selected the Select products radio button, the Select products wizard window is displayed.

    Select products

  5. Select the checkboxes of all products for which you want to create an offer.
    The editing toolbar is displayed above the product list.

  6. Click the [ADD TO SELECTION >] button in the editing toolbar.
    The selected products are added to the right side bar of the wizard window. The [CONTINUE] button is unlocked.

  7. Click the [CONTINUE] button in the bottom right corner.
    The Review and finalize wizard window is displayed.

    Review and finalize

  8. Configure the following settings:

    • Select the appropriate option for the change tracking mode in the ETL mode section:

      • Radiobutton manual
        Changes in a PIM product must be triggered manually to be applied to the offer. The offer is initially created with the mapped data from the PIM product.
      • Radiobutton semiautomatic
        Changes in a PIM product are automatically applied to the offer after confirmation. The initial offer is automatically applied without confirmation, see Semiautomatic mapping.
      • Radiobutton semiautomatic, changes must be confirmed by another user
        Changes in a PIM product are automatically applied to the offer after confirmation by another user. The initial offer is only applied after confirmation by another user, see Semiautomatic mapping.
      • Radiobutton automatic
        Changes in a PIM product are automatically applied to the offer. The initial offer is also automatically applied.
    • Select the appropriate initial status for the offer in the Initial offer status section:
      • Radiobutton Active
        The offer is active. It is uploaded to the marketplace and activated directly. Thus, it is also displayed in the marketplace, where it can be sold immediately.
      • Radiobutton Inactive
        The offer is inactive. It is uploaded to the marketplace, but still remains inactive. Thus, it is not displayed in the marketplace and cannot yet be sold.
      • Radiobutton Offline
        The offer is created in Omni-Channel, but not yet uploaded to the marketplace. Thus, it is unknown to the marketplace and cannot be sold there.
  9. Click the [CREATE OFFERS] button.
    The offer creation has been triggered. The Product import from PIM scheduled pop-up window is displayed.

    Import scheduled

As the creation process starts asynchronously, it may take some time until the offer creation has been started and all offers have been created. Click the Refresh (Refresh) button in the upper right corner to update the list of offers.
Switch to Offer Import > Tab PIM->CHANNELS to check the queue for all scheduled offer imports from PIM, see Check the scheduled offer imports.

Create a manual offer

Create an offer manually if either the Actindo PIM module is not installed or you want to independently create an offer.


At least one connection has been established, see Create a connection.


Omni-Channel > Offers > Tab OFFERS


  1. Click the Add (Add) button in the bottom right corner.
    The [Manual offer Manual offer ] button and the [Create from PIM product Create from PIM product ] button are displayed.

    The [Create from PIM product Create from PIM product ] button is only displayed if the PIM module and the PIM-Channels Connection plugin are installed. If this is not the case, the Create offer window is displayed immediately after clicking the Add (Add) button.

    Add offer

  2. Click the [Manual offer Manual offer ] button.
    The Create offer window is displayed.

    Create manual offer

  3. Enter the desired SKU in the SKU field.

    The SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) is an identification number for the offer. Therefore, it has to be uniquely assigned to a single offer within a connection in the Omni-Channel module and should not be changed once assigned.

  4. Click the Select connection drop-down list and select the connection for which you want to create the offer. All available connections are displayed in the list.
    The Select attribute set drop-down list is unlocked.

  5. Click the Select attribute set drop-down list and select the appropriate attribute set for the offer. All available attribute sets for the selected connection are displayed.

  6. Click the [SAVE] button.
    The Create offer view is displayed. The Attributes tab is preselected.

    Create offer

    The fields displayed in the Attributes tab differ depending on the selected connection.

  7. Enter the product data in the fields of the Attributes tab. You must at least enter a product name, an EAN code, a price, a tax class and a tax rate.

  8. Click the [SAVE] button in the upper right corner.
    The offer has been created. The Create offer view is closed.

    By default, the initial offer status of the new offer is Not available. You have to activate the offer to sell it on a marketplace, see Change the offer status.

Edit an offer

After you have created an offer, you can edit it. However, not all attributes are editable. If an attribute can be edited in an offer or not, depends on several points, for instance, on the corresponding connection settings or if the attribute is mapped from a PIM product.

Note that any changes to an offer will trigger an automatic upload, so that any changes are applied to the products in the marketplace. In general, it is recommended to maintain or change offers that are mapped from a PIM product in the PIM module.


At least one offer has been created, see Create an offer.


Omni-Channel > Offers > Tab OFFERS


  1. Click the offer you want to edit in the list of offers.
    The Edit offer view is displayed. The Attributes tab is preselected.

    The tabs in the Edit offer view as well as the fields displayed in the Attributes tab differ depending on the selected connection.

    Edit offer

  2. Edit the desired data of the product in the corresponding fields and tabs.

  3. Click the [SAVE] button in the upper right corner.
    The changes have been saved. The Edit offer view is closed. The automatic upload has been triggered.

    Switch to Omni-Channel > Offer upload > Tab SCHEDULED UPLOADS to check the queue for all scheduled offer uploads, see Check the offer upload. Note that depending on the number of offers in the queue, the queue may already be empty when accessed if the offers have already been uploaded in the meantime and are therefore not displayed in the queue at all.

Change the offer status

The offer status specifies the behavior of the offer in the marketplace. By changing the offer status, you can provide an offer on a marketplace, hide an offer on a marketplace or remove an offer from a marketplace.

It is recommended to change the offer status instead of deleting an offer to prevent any problems because of existing dependencies.


At least one offer has been created, see Create an offer.


Omni-Channel > Offers > Tab OFFERS


  1. Click the checkbox of the offer whose status you want to change in the list of offers.
    The editing toolbar is displayed.

  2. Click the Change status to drop-down list in the editing toolbar and select the desired status. The following statuses are displayed:

    • Active
      The offer is active. It is displayed in the marketplace, where it can be sold.
    • Inactive
      The offer is inactive. It is no longer displayed in the marketplace and thus cannot be sold anymore.
    • Not available
      The offer is deleted from the marketplace.

      The Change offer status confirmation window is displayed. If the variant status of the selected offer equals Master offer, an additional toggle is displayed within the confirmation window. If the variant status of the selected offer equals Variant offer, an additional warning is displayed within the confirmation window.

      Change offer status

  3. If desired, enable the Apply parent status to all child offers? toggle to apply the selected status to the master offer and all corresponding child offers. By default, the toggle is disabled. The toggle is only displayed if a master offer has been selected.

  4. Click the [SAVE] button in the Change offer status confirmation window.
    The status change has been triggered. The selected status is displayed in the Pending status/Error column of the corresponding offer. When the status has been changed, it is displayed in the Status column.

    It may take some time until the status has been changed. Click the Refresh (Refresh) button in the upper right corner to update the list of offers.

Check the scheduled offer imports

You can check if any offer imports from PIM to Omni-Channel are still pending, for example after having created a new offer to a PIM product, by checking the queue of scheduled imports.



Omni-Channel > Offer Import > Tab PIM->CHANNELS


  1. Click the Refresh (Refresh) button in the upper right corner to update the list of offers to be created from PIM products.
    All pending offers to be created are displayed in the list.

  2. Check the list for the respective offer import(s).

    The offer imports are only displayed in the list as long as they have not yet been imported to Omni-Channel. Click the Refresh (Refresh) button again to update the list.

Delete an offer

You can delete an offer if it is no longer needed. Only offers with the Not available status can be deleted.

As there are usually dependencies on an offer, it is strongly recommended not to delete an offer. Instead, you can change the offer status and thus prevent its use, see Change the offer status.

To delete an offer, you have to move it to the recycle bin in a first step and then delete it permanently.

Move an offer to the recycle bin

Move an offer to the RECYCLE BIN tab if you want to remove it from the list of offers and/or if you plan to permanently delete the offer.

Only offers with the Not available status can be moved to the recycle bin. Offers that has been moved to the recycle bin can either be recovered or permanently deleted, see Recover an offer and Permanently delete an offer.



Omni-Channel > Offers > Tab OFFERS

Offers not available

  1. Select the checkbox of the offer you want to move to the recycle bin in the list of offers.
    The editing toolbar is displayed above the list.

    You can also select multiple checkboxes to move multiple offers at once to the recycle bin. Note that all offers must have the Not available status to be deleted. Otherwise, the Delete offers? confirmation window is displayed, indicating the number of the selected offers that are not deletable.

  2. Click the Delete (Delete) button in the editing toolbar.
    The offer is removed from the list of offers. The Product moved to recycle bin pop-up window is displayed.

    The Delete (Delete) button is only displayed if the status of at least one selected offer is Not available.

    Product moved to recycle bin

    Problems may occur if you delete an offer with existing dependencies, for instance, if orders have already been placed to this offer.

The offer is moved to the RECYCLE BIN tab, but it can still be recovered. To permanently delete the offer, see Permanently delete an offer.

Permanently delete an offer

You can permanently delete an offer if it is no longer needed. The offer has to be moved to the RECYCLE BIN tab before it can be permanently deleted.

As there are usually dependencies on an offer, it is strongly recommended not to delete an offer permanently. Permanently deleted offers cannot be recovered. Instead, you can change the offer status and thus prevent its use, see Change the offer status.


At least one offer has been moved to the RECYCLE BIN tab, see Move an offer to the recycle bin.


Omni-Channel > Offers > Tab RECYCLE BIN

Recycle bin

  1. Select the checkbox of the offer you want to permanently delete in the list of recycled offers.
    The editing toolbar is displayed above the list.

    If the offer moved to the RECYCLE BIN tab is not yet displayed in the list, click the Refresh (Refresh) button in the upper right corner to update the list.

  2. Click the Delete (Delete) button in the editing toolbar.
    The offer has been permanently deleted. The deletion cannot be undone. The Product has been deleted pop-up window is displayed.

    Problems may occur if you delete an offer with existing dependencies.

    Product has been deleted

Recover an offer

If you have moved an offer to the RECYCLE BIN tab, it is not permanently deleted. You can still recover the offer and make the deletion undone.


At least one offer has been moved to the RECYCLE BIN tab, see Move an offer to the recycle bin.


Omni-Channel > Offers > Tab RECYCLE BIN

Recycle bin

  1. Select the checkbox of the offer you want to recover in the list of recycled offers.
    The editing toolbar is displayed above the list.

    If the offer moved to the RECYCLE BIN tab is not yet displayed in the list, click the Refresh (Refresh) button in the upper right corner to update the list.

  2. Click the Recover (Recover) button in the editing toolbar.
    The selected offer has been recovered and is removed from the list of recycled offers. The Product recovered pop-up window is displayed.

    Product recovered
